chapter 29

the buildings of monico reminded me of erect cocks...they
were a monument to mans desire to conquer and control...if
you had no had no werent
welcome in monaco.

so there was this crazy bitch who was obviously mentally
ill...i almost wanted to follow her to see how she would
be accepted in this fucked-up little town...i did not
however...i just continued on my journey.

the worst thing about money is that people think that they
can define their worth by having it...and the more that
they have...the better they are as people.

this allows for no growth at a11...if being rich makes you
good...then being a rich murderer makes you no better or
worse than a rich person who hasnt killed anyone.

if you are defined by any one quality...unless it is
are fucked...nothing allows anyone to get away with anything...lets
put it this way...if you screw around on your
will hurt her...she will feel-and be-betrayed...even a trillion
dollars wont change that .

we look for reasons to define ourselves by something besides
what we really are...probably because we are all such fucking
idiots...what we dont realize is that this is fine...we
are idiots loved by god...and if we could disregard our
pride for even a second...we would see how beautiful that
this is.

the truth of the matter is that i left monico feeling like
i didnt belong...too bad...i feel that god makes people
rich to allow them the opportunity to give to others...where
has the world gone may not realize it...but
this is really scary shit.

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