Bastard Windows: Chapter Fourteen

it was seven in the morning when the train arrived at san
sabastian...they were piping classical music throughout
the streets... as if to cleans our souls of the sin of rock
and roll to begin the new day...i danced down the street
like a drunken member of the village people...not the cop
though...never the authority figure...i need acceptance
too much...i dont care if people think that i am
long as they know that i am not the law .

relating my dancing to life...isnt it strange that if we
dance one step , then every thing is fine...and if we dance isnt...fuck...its all dancing...why cant we
just dance the way we feel???

ultimately , people really dont care what is right wrong...they
care about what makes them feel is a can do it in a way that is destructive as satan
with a hard-on...people dont really long as they
can feel that they are familiar with the behavior...if they
are not...they will hate you .

it is my considered opinion that jesus christ caused more
shit raising people from the grave than he did telling religious
leaders to fuck themselves...everyone is used to the idea
of being told to fuck is performing the
supernatural that we dont doesnt matter
if it is even too beautiful for is different...hence
, people are terrified of it .

we are not as intelligent as we think we are...though humans
have come up with , from time to time , the most wonderful
ideas...the fact of the matter is that people generally
respond out of fear...the most demented and crippling of
emotions...which ultimately... makes us emotionally retarded...and
this is what rips our intellectual abilities into little
pieces...leading us into the direction of our extinction...not
our salvation...fear is the opposite of cannot
produce life .

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